
Showing posts from November, 2019

Autonomous Work Groups (AWG)

Autonomous Work Groups (AWG ) The word “autonomy” described in Oxford Learners dictionary as the "ability to act and make decisions without being controlled by anyone else” which is self-reflecting the practical use and relations with our selected topic. According to Kokemulle (2019) Autonomous work groups are, “Similar to an individual with autonomy at work, an autonomous work group is a team of employees granted autonomy or independence over the work they do within an organization. This autonomy includes independent decision-making related to a specific work function, project or job and independent freedom to assign individual members specific tasks within the group” The need of AWG had being risen drastically within last few decades, and it had gained its fame and especially the manufacturing industries embraced the concept whiles the service sector also significantly engaged. According to Lowler, Mohrman & Ledford (1995) there’s a notable transformation of organiza...

Toyota – The Best Learning Organization

Toyota – The Best Learning Organization Toyota is the most famous and number one auto maker in the world. According to, Toyota has the highest market share in automotive brands since its lead over GM in 2008. Source: https://www.statista.comstatistics316786global-market-share-of-the-leading-automakers Started by Toyoda family in Japan and produced leaders such as Kachiro Toyoda, Ejii Toyoda, Taiichi Ohno & Shingeo Shingo who introduced “Lean concepts” against the Henry Ford’s mass production. Toyota production system (TPS) or JIT (Just in Time), considered as the most successful production system and highly ranked amongst the manufacturing giants. How Toyota ruled the world as one single company to make such huge impact to the entire manufacturing world?? One of the main secret behind their success is the “continues learning culture” or learning by mistakes.  As per Taiichi Ohno “Having no problem is the biggest problem of all” Vanvliet,(2017) means prob...