
How CSR Activities Changed the Perspectives and perception of Sri Lankan Apparel Industry?

How CSR Activities Changed the Perspectives and perception of Sri Lankan Apparel Industry? History:   Sri Lankan apparel industry which rooted back to 1960s and expanded in late 1970s when Sri Lanka embraced the open economy policies. Many free trade zones opened around the country and foreign investors were welcomed with lavish tax benefits to open new garment factories. First decade or so anyhow it was not a good reputation the industry gained from the employees point of view. Harsh management styles, abusing culture and long working hours spread horrifying stories among the society added young girls who were migrating from rural areas who trapped in sex scandals. These gloomy memories are still disturbing the image of apparel industry in Sri Lanka especially the social attitude made the workers to think twice before joining a garment factory. Matured Era: As per NCBI (1984), historically Sri Lanka had a good literacy levels, recognized as one of the best in dev...

Toxic Organizational Culture

The story about ABC Apparels who is in the threshold of bankruptcy after 50 years of business due to the toxic organizational culture they developed over the years…. Figure 1: Toxic Work Culture Source: ABC apparels one of the key player in Sri Lankan apparel exporters association who is today by what means in a very difficult situation mainly because of their organizational culture. This is their story from the “cultures” point of view. Being a medium to large scale apparel manufacture in Sri Lanka for over last 5 decades, ABC apparels is in its third generation’s hands. Single family owned business was flourishing few decades back with strong financial hold and continuously growth in sales and revenues. So what went wrong? Why they are now closing down their plants and in verge of bankruptcy? The main reason from many peoples point of view is the “bad cultu...

VAK Learning Styles

VAK Learning Styles Figure 1: VAK Learning Styles Source: VAK is an acronym of,        1) Visual,        2) Auditory        3) Kinesthetic, learning styles. This was developed and published by Walter Burke Barbe, An American educator and his colleagues in 1979.  Learning styles are the various methods, approaches or ways of learning things. These  learning styles  are influenced by many factors such as individual experience, different intelligences and personality factors  such  as a  preference  for  learning  alone  or  in a  group. According to Brown (2000), learning styles are the way in which individuals perceive and process information in learning situations. Keefe (1979), defines learning styles as the “composite of characteristic cognitive,...

HR Has a Major Role in Change Management in Sri Lankan Garment Factories

HR Has a Major Role in Change Management in Sri Lankan Garment Factories Figure 1: Training at one Sri Lankan Factory Source: Sri Lankan apparel industry is very much in a topsy-turvi condition with the global shrinkage of apparel business, rising labour cost and labour shortage. Only way out for small and medium scale manufactures to survive is the continues search for more productive and cost effective management & operational practices while the strong holders will persist with their reputation and customer base. Constant search for improvements driving the companies endure change management battles within their organizations. If the right time change not happened, it will be too late for them to realize that they are out of the competition. Change management has been defined as “ the process of continually renewing an organization’s direction, structure, and capabilities to serve the ever-changin...

Employee Engagement and Sri Lankan Apparel Industry

Employee Engagement and Sri Lankan Apparel Industry Figure: 1 : Sri Lankan Apparel Factory Source: As per labor demand survey report in Sri Lanka for 2017 published by ministry of national policies and economic affairs, sewing machine operators are the most in demanded labor category, in fact they represent 30% from overall labor demand in the country and high as 300,000 to 200,000 in numbers for last 5 years. Labor shortage is the biggest drawback in Sri Lankan apparel industry which is contributing vastly to Sri Lankan economy. According to EDB annual report of end 2018 Sri Lankan apparel exports leading ahead with 32% of all with 5.30 billion Rs. annual exports. The reason for labor shortage is not that the adequate number of people available in the country but the attraction of new labor cohort towards the industry. Misconceptions, attitudes and social respects ...