Toxic Organizational Culture

The story about ABC Apparels who is in the threshold of bankruptcy after 50 years of business due to the toxic organizational culture they developed over the years….

Figure 1: Toxic Work Culture

ABC apparels one of the key player in Sri Lankan apparel exporters association who is today by what means in a very difficult situation mainly because of their organizational culture. This is their story from the “cultures” point of view.
Being a medium to large scale apparel manufacture in Sri Lanka for over last 5 decades, ABC apparels is in its third generation’s hands. Single family owned business was flourishing few decades back with strong financial hold and continuously growth in sales and revenues. So what went wrong? Why they are now closing down their plants and in verge of bankruptcy? The main reason from many peoples point of view is the “bad culture” they developed over the years. As mentioned about three generations, probably the first was very good at people, second bit rude though as the third made it common to hire & fire people and abusing culture which made them utterly notorious in the market. What is this organization culture? How can it be bad?
As per Schein (1992), Organizational culture is the set of shared values, beliefs, and norms that influence the way employees think, feel, and behave in the workplace. Further according to Marcoulides & Heck, (1993) and Schein, (1992) Organizational culture facilitates the acceptable solution to know the problems, which members learn, feel and set the principles, expectations, behavior, patterns, and norms that promote high level of achievements.
ABC apparel’s values, believes & norms which are reflecting in their mission & vision statements are vastly different in practice than they tried to market to their employees. Treating people purely as cost & treat them in suspicious way promoting the hire & fire culture which made the employees feel insecure in their jobs all the time. High management & Staff turnover effecting badly the company performances. Number of persons relived and replaced by others is called as employee turnover. Organization Culture and leadership have negative impact on turnover intention (Biswas, 2009). The rate of turnover of newly hired employees is significantly influenced by the differences in cultural values.  The job performance and the retention rate are also influenced by variations in cultural values (Sheridan,1992)

 At ABC, problems are not taken as opportunities to learn, rather trying to cover up the problems often call them as excuses and avoided. This is opposite to Kotter’s, (2012), organizational culture has the potential to enhance organizational performance, employee job satisfaction, and the sense of certainty about problem solving.
ABC top level leaderships not demonstrating any transformational leadership qualities rather practicing some autocratic leaderships making the situation further worst. Transformational leadership is related to organizational culture, mainly by the process of expressing a vision, and secondly by setting expectations of high performance and extending support to individual workers (Sarros, Cooper, and Santora, 2008).
Suggestion:  Even still ABC apparel can change their culture to a bad toxic one to a good, positive and harmonies one by adding people friendly values, believes & norms as Bulach, Lunenburg, & Potter, (2012) suggested, certain types of organizational cultures may be related directly to greater effectiveness and productivity than others.


Ø  Schien, E.H. (1992). Organizational Culture and Leadership, 2nd Edition, San Francisco; Jossey-Bass.
Ø  Marcoulides, G. and Heck, R.H. (1993). Organizational Culture and Performance: Proposing and Testing a Model, Organizational Science, 4(2) : 209-223.
Ø  Biswas,  S. (2009)  ‘Organization  culture  and  transformational  leadership  as  predictors  of  employee performance’ The Indian Journal of industrial Relations,Vol. 44, No. 4, pp. 611-627.
Ø  Sheridan,  J.E.  (1992)‘The  relationship between  organizational culture  and  employee  retention’,The Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 35, No. 5, pp.1035-1056.
Ø  Kotter, J. (2012). Corporate culture and performance. New York, NY: Free Press.
Ø  Sarros,J.C.,  Cooper,  B.K.  and  Santora,  J.C.  (2008)  ‘Building  a  climate  for  innovation  through leadership and organization culture’Journal of Leadership & Organizational studies, Vol.15, No. 2, pp. 145-158.
Ø  Bulach, C., Lunenburg, F. C., & Potter, L. (2012). Creating a culture for high-performing  schools: A comprehensive approach to school reform (2nd ed.). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.


  1. Great article about value of culture in HRM terms. From this article, learned about HR's role, organizational culture. Well detailed about the topic and learned many things from this article. Nice job.

  2. It is always value added that HR activities as most important and article will explain to gain more added points

  3. This is a wonderful blog. You have taken an organization and linked to HR concepts. I think, toxic culture is common in Sri Lanka but hire and fire culture is not common amongmany Sri Lankan organizations.

  4. Very well versed blog on your trade. Really enjoyed the facts.

  5. this also relationship with your have tactfully described how implements the cultural organization to your industry

  6. Organizational culture is manifested in the typical characteristics of the organization, in other words, organizational culture should be regarded as the right way in which things are done or problems should be understood in the organization.

  7. Good article. Interesting to read this post. You have shared valuable information throuh your post


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